Friday, October 3, 2008

Alcohol on College Campus and on Teens

Alcohol   has   been   a  source  of  both  pleasure  and destruction  since  the beginning  of  time. It  has  been  commended  as  a  source  of  relation,  pleasure,  and nourishing  to  the  body.  Many  of  us  are  aware  of  people on  campus  whose  use  of  alcohol,  results  in  behavior  that disrupts  their  relationship  with  school,  family,  and  society.  Whether  it  is  vandalism,  fights,  or  even  driving while  drunk,  can  have  an  impact  on  us  all.  So,  in  turn,  there  should  be  alcohol  policies  and  practices  on college  campuses.                      

When  teens  go  away  to  college,  this  is  their  first  time living  away  from  
home. Parents  are  not  there  to  watch them, so  this  increases  the  range  of  
opportunity.  College students  now  see  a  much  larger , but  freer  place. alcohol 
abuse  is a problem, and there are ways to diminish alcohol abuse on our campus.

And  we should  Develop an Alcohol Free campus  for our Teens....!!!!!