Thursday, December 10, 2009

Punctuality - The Key to Success

Ever walk into a class or to a meeting late and everyone just sort of stares at you? If you haven't great, me either, but so many people do. I find this very disturbing because when that person walks in late it takes away the importance of the meeting or the class  by losing the connection with the people who were prompt. This person finds that being late is attractive.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beside you....

I'll  always  be  beside  you
until  the  very  end....
wiping  alll  your  tears  away,
being  your  best  friend.....
I'll  Smile  when  you  smile,
&  feel  all the  pain  you do,
and  if  you  cry  a  single  tear,
I  promise  i cry toooo.........

Monday, September 28, 2009

Positive Attitude- A twist in Ur Life

A positive attitude seems to be a natural aspect of a self-managing outlook and behavior pattern. Here are a few basics that might help you capture that all-important positive outlook. It all starts with recognizing that you can choose such mindset patterns and practice them daily. Even if you don't succeed all the time, such an outlook will help you deal effectively with temptations to go negative or lose track of your goals at times when things are not going well, as happens to all of us, usually daily.
  • Remind yourself that feeling positive is much pleasanter than being a grump or looking on the dark side of life. What's to be gained by being frumpy?
  • Perspective is critical. Most things people get bummed out about are not really such a big deal. You surely have heard the refrain, "Don't sweat the small stuff and, by the way, it's all small stuff." Of course, it does not seem so at the time but in the long haul, this is pretty much the case.
  • Be an athlete. Find a sport where you can compete, at least on weekends with your peers. Then, when you are tempted to slack early in the week, you know that the slothful choices will catch up with you not just later in life, which can seem so far away, but in only a few days!
  • Make an art of humor. Adopt a "lighten up" perspective, and look for the mirthful twist to all situations.
All The Best...!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Love is the emotion of strong affection
 and personal attachment....!!!


I used to dream of eyes so blue
And loving arms to hold me.
I used to dream of heroic knights
And how gracious they would be.

I used to dream of how I wouldn’t settle
For anything less than best.
I used to dream of how he would majestically
Lay all fears to rest.

I used to dream of fairy tales,
How wondrous would they be
I used to dream of story books
All patterned after me.

I used to dream of a lot of things,
But the moment I met you,
I immediately stopped dreaming,
Because all of my dreams came true.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joint and Nuclear Family.....!!!

Today,the Joint family system have become almost extinct......Those were the days, brothers, uncles, grandparents, parents and great grandparents all reside in the same house. The women in the house take care of cooking, home maintenance and etc...Now a days...Being a Joint family was a must... As years passed, nuclear family came into place, initially because of jobs.. but eventually to avoid family politics, most of them preferred it. Then started the sharing concept of parents... 6 months in a sons home, 6 months in another....  Further more it was so much a burden of taking care of them, that they were sent to oldage homes.....I  agree,Joint or nuclear concept, had its own pros and cons.Being a joint family, elders were always out there to take care of not just the kids, but also the so called adults and give valuable advice. Sharing of houseold work and so on. As dependent kids were taken care off by parents, dependent parents at their old age were taken care in unity. Obviously the downside was family politics.Being a nuclear family was fun, as its one's own family, but the problem was if both were working, taking care of kids were a huge task and also if not, wife would be bored as no one is out there to spend time with...!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Somebody who cares about you.....

You  might  be  best  friends  one   year,
Pretty  good  friends  the  next  year..
Dont  talk  that  often  the  next  year,
and  dont  want  to talk  at  all   the  year  after  that;
So,  I  just   want  to  say,.
Even  if  I  never  talk  to  you  again  in  my  life,
You  are  special  to me  and  you  have  made   a
Difference  in  my  life.
I  Look  up  to  you,respect  you  and  truly  cherish  you...
No  matter  how  often  you  talk,
or  how  close  you  are.......
Take  comfort  in  knowing....somebody 
out  there   cares  about  you  and  always  willl....!!!!