Thursday, December 10, 2009

Punctuality - The Key to Success

Ever walk into a class or to a meeting late and everyone just sort of stares at you? If you haven't great, me either, but so many people do. I find this very disturbing because when that person walks in late it takes away the importance of the meeting or the class  by losing the connection with the people who were prompt. This person finds that being late is attractive.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beside you....

I'll  always  be  beside  you
until  the  very  end....
wiping  alll  your  tears  away,
being  your  best  friend.....
I'll  Smile  when  you  smile,
&  feel  all the  pain  you do,
and  if  you  cry  a  single  tear,
I  promise  i cry toooo.........