Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Miss you....

I  miss  you  when  something  really  good  happens,
bcoz  u  are  the  one  I want  to  share  it  with.....

I  miss  you  when  something  is  troubling  me,
bcoz  you  are  the  only  one  who  understand  me   so   well.....

I  miss  you  when   i   laugh  and  cry,
Bcoz  I  know  that   you  are  the  one  who  makes  my   laughter  grow
and   my  tears  disappears.....

I   miss   you   all  the  time,
but  I  miss you  the  most  when  i  lie  awake  at  night
and  think  of  all the  wonderful  times
we  spend  with  each  other  for  those  were  some  of  
The  best  memorable  time  of  my  Life....

Miss  you  dear friends  those  who  made  a  colourful  part  of  my  life....!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

International Conference at JKKN college Tamilnadu

am going 2 attend an International conference on Advanced computer Technologies for 2 dayzz...and going to present the paper on the topic "Interfacing Human Brain with Computers" with my friend and lect.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

When Hatred Turns to Love...!!!!

If you travel behind the can see a hidden true love....ya..its a true fact...!!!!

Ttry to search..who is interested  in fighting with   you....???...then you can find d one who loves you more than the others....!!!

Love ya all……t.cccccccccc

Love...not to be Loved....!!!!

Love is to be a risk passion when, not being loved in return....So
love others as much as u can...without any Expectations.....
This is a key to Open the solutions for most of the withstanding
problems  as a humanbeing...!!!..Try it..!!!!