Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year Resolutions

     Are  you  thinking  about  making  the  new  year  a   fresh   start.? Not  so  fast!  Some  say  new   year's  resolutions  are  a  waste  of time  as  they  are  nothing  more  than  a  long  list  of  "shoulds" that  we  don't  take   to  heart.  Make  this  year  different.  Take time  to  plan  your  new  year's  resolutions   carefully  and   avoid the   post  new  year  let-down. Let's  face  it,  graduate  students don't  have  a  lot  of  time  to  waste  on  new  year's  resolutions that  aren't  effective.  Plan  your   new   year's   resolutions carefully  this  year  and  choose  realistic  goals  that   you  can keep.

A   long   list   of   resolutions   will   set  you   up   for   failure. Think  carefully   about   what   you’d    like   to  change.   Choose only   one   or   two   goals   as  your   resolutions. Be   honest  with yourself. Your   goals  should  be  achievable  and  realistic.
Happy New year 2011

Christmas-The Time of Renewal

Christmas  is  a  time  of  renewal.  A  time  when  the  best  in humanity  is  called  forth  amid  the  safety  of  traditions. A time  when  it  feels   good  to  give,  when  grievances  are  abolished,  when  Heaven  comes   to  Earth  for  a  moment.
We  tend  to  think  of  Christmas  as  a  time  for  children,  but what  if  Christmas  gives  each  of  us  the   opportunity  to  be the  Child?  To  have  wise  men  bring  priceless  gifts  to  us,  to be  held  by  an  adoring   mother   and  father  while  shepherds
and  other  good  folk  admire  us,  to  feel  that  everything   will be  okay...forever?  What  if  Christmas  is  a  chance  to  start fresh?   Clean slate....New....
Instead   of  offering  the  New  Year resolutions,   we  could   give  it  our  brand  new  selves.  We could  leave  behind  the  mistakes,  the  regret,  the  hurtful 
words,  all  of  it.  Surely  Christmas  is  a  perfect  time  to  start over,  to  make  big  changes,  to  do  a  turnaround.   If  we could see ourselves as the adored Child, we
might remember our innocence.

I wish, In this Christmas,
May Peace be your priority, Hope your foundation, Joy your
birthright, and Love your gift...!!!!!

My Best Friend

My  Friend  always  brings  a  Smile  to  Face
He  forms  a  joyous  part  of  my  life
He  Shares  a  lot  of  memories.
He  walks   in,when  the  world  walks  out
And  between  me  and  him  there  is  no         Pretence.
My  Friend  adds  lights  in  the  dark  hours  of  my  Life
He  basks  in  the  warmth  of  Love
He  provides  a  kind  advice  in  the  way  of  my  Life
He  helps  nurture  dreams  and  he  brings  out  the  best.
My  friend  brings  sunshine  into  my  Life.
Silence  speaks  more than  words  between  me  and  him.
He  makes  the  world  a  better  place  to  live  in
And  he  adds  meaning  to  my  Life
He always  Stands  the  test  of  time.
There  is  only  one  language  between  me  and  him
That's  the  Language  of  the Heart....!!!!